Success Stories
Let us guess... you’re looking for some good ol’ proof that we’re legit.
Well, if that’s the case — you’re exactly where need to be.
Here are our success stories. Enjoy!
"I was looking for a job that allowed me to develop my skills in the direction I wanted"
"Flatworld is always there in every step. Their communication and openness is something you will not find in every recruitment platform, which makes them one of a kind."

Vitor P.
Data Engineer hired by Cherre
"I really wanted the flexibility to travel and experience the world, this job really makes my dream come true. "
"Flatworld was my first time with an international work experience, before that, I only worked for companies in Brazil and the technologies mostly focused on Front-end."

Matías B.
Machine Learning hired by Cherre
"This is my first job outside of Argentina, I had never heard about Cherre until Flatworld. I am now a Machine Learning Engineer, and I am super excited for this new chapter in my career!"

Johannes L.
Data Engineer hired by Cherre
"I was looking for a new opportunity to work with a different culture. I had only worked with Brazilian people as that’s where I’m from. And Cherre was the perfect fit."
"The process at Flatworld was way better than any other process I've been through. Not only in the speed of the process but also in how proactively Flatworld reached out to me"

Eduardo K.
Sr. Backend Developer hired by eyko
"Flatworld has bridged developers to companies all around the world. They successfully identify and appraise your skills to match you with the perfect job. I love it. "

Felipe S.
Sr. Backend Developer hired by Deel
"Flatworld is really a people-centered platform. They take into account your situation and do everything they can to assist you. More than that, they recognize your abilities and match you to where you can grow best. "
"Flatworld really cares about you as an employee. I got the impression that they were genuinely interested in finding me a great job where I would be satisfied with the salary, benefits, and activities that I would be involved in."