Boost your income by joining our team of expert recruiters worldwide and finding the right candidates for the roles of your choice. Join us for global access to high-paying roles with the highest fees on the market.
Complete our quick sign-up and gain access to all our roles in up to 2 business days. No hidden fees or commitments.
Unleash your potential with remote work by choosing your location, schedule, and taking on as many roles as you desire.
Gain exclusive access to all our roles and choose those that match your skills and preferences.
Establish your track record with the unique experiences you’ll gather from recruiting for a wide variety of roles, companies, and countries.
Our fees are all paid out in USD, but you may choose to receive your income in the currency of your choice!
Refer clients to us and earn even more money! Reach out to us for more information.
Gain total access to our platform, content, and tools within 2 business days.
Search through our listed roles, and all the necessary details and support will be instantly available to you.
Start submitting the best candidates right away, as many as you want!
Every job will have its corresponding bounty clearly visible within the job description; if a hire is made, you get paid!
At FlatWorld, we raise the stakes by including our own candidate curation process to make sure we are forwarding the right candidates. Our clients will choose one out of two possible curation sequences for each role:
Join 100s of companies, recruiters, and candidates who love and trust Flatworld.
We bet you’ll never look back.
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HireClub | FlatWorld.Co - Leading the shift from applicant quantity to quality